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Quiz Time!
It's the first day of fall! I love this season. The crisp weather, the colors, the smells, the spookiness, it all breathes life into my...

A Time to Read
Another summer of camp has gone by (how's that now?) and I find myself sitting once again where my heart is at peace and rest at my...

World Refugee Day
It's World Refugee Day. I found this interesting article on the reality and tragedy of what's been going on this year for refugees:...

The Darkness is as Light
It's been a while since I've been able to think about writing a blog post. Here we are. Life has been so busy, but I'm so close to...

I'm Not Yoking
I'm over half way there. Living on a prayer. Sorry, I couldn't resist. My rough draft is over 35,000 words, and I'm shooting for around...

With love from an Ignorant American
Though much of the world has nearly forgotten the heinous conditions in Syria, which have not let up. Let's not forget. In reading about...

Power of a Symbol
It's April 2nd and I joined a NaNoWriMo Camp to push myself to write hard this month. My goal is to write 50,000 words. NBD. I want to...

The Big Project Reveal. And Why I've Been Scared to Share.
I have been working on this book project for a couple of months now. It has taken more of my discipline and heart than any other writing...

A Work in Progress
Hi! Thanks for stopping by. I've started this blog and created this website to share the progress of my latest project. It's a novel I...
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