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4 Non-Profits, Countless Stories

Hello! Happy Friday!

I've decided to compile all the posts I've put out there about the non-profits I've featured on Instagram and Facebook. That way, all the information will be in one place and it'll be easier for you all to access their websites and give! That's my hope in all this, that we can raise more support for refugees and others trying to build a thriving life for themselves.

Forai: "The Mission of Forai (Friends of Refugees and Immigrants) is to partner with local refugee and immigrant women to enable the realization of economic, educational, and social goals through the provisions of micro-business coaching, training, and peer support, and by expanding market opportunities for artisans."

They make beautiful jewelry and home decor! Their website is gorgeous too. Forai works with refugees and immigrants here in the US, which is so neat and unique from the other organizations I'll share about. Find out more about them, or shop, at

Kiva: "By lending as little as $25 on Kiva, anyone can help a borrower start or grow a business, go to school, access clean energy or realize their potential. For some, it’s a matter of survival, for others it’s the fuel for a life-long ambition.100% of every dollar you lend on Kiva goes to funding loans. Kiva covers costs primarily through optional donations, as well as through support from grants and sponsors."

Kiva is so cool because they empower people to create their own success through loans. Their website is full of amazing stories!

Preemptive Love Coalition: "We’re a coalition stretching across Iraq, Syria, the United States, and beyond, working together to unmake violence and create the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible."

I LOVE the PLC. They are in it, and changing lives just by being there. Not to mention everything they do for the communities they're a part of. The PLC just started an effort to help Syrians get back home and set up for success. Join them in this amazing effort!

Andando: "Andando seeks to alleviate poverty through community development in rural Senegal. By focusing on the growth of the whole village - water, health, education, agriculture, literacy, and small business - and developing long-term partnerships, Andando strives to create thriving communities rooted in sustainable solutions that give ownership to those participating in our programs."

Near and dear to my heart! These friends work in Senegal and have experience supporting refugees in the early 2000s. They're so great at empowering the success of the whole community, not just pieces of it. Right now, if you give to help them build classrooms, all your donations will be matched!

There are obviously so many more organizations out there that support refugees well. These are just four of my favorites. This Christmas season, I invite you to give more and spend less. Give more time, spend less money. Give meaningful gifts to your loved ones, and those struggling around the world.

Here are those websites again:

You can also follow these organizations on Facebook and Instagram and get daily updates of what's going on.

NEXT WEEK I'll be doing a couple of giveaways on IG and FB. Be sure to follow me: @emwriting_. I'll be giving away a few copies of my book, along with some amazing items from these non-profits!

4 Non-profits, Countless Stories: How to Help

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