Let me tell you a crazy story. On Saturday, we went to our niece's first birthday party where a lot of people wanted to know about my book and what the next step would be. Cue the crickets.
I had a vague idea that I still wanted to do some kind of release party, but didn't know if I should move forward since it's several weeks after the book's release date. Our friend Adam Larson, of Adam Larson & Co, encouraged me to go for it. Who doesn't want a party?!
Well me. Not so deep down, I hate parties with lots of people. Introverting is my jam. I enjoy hanging out with small groups of people. Just some real talk here. But on the way home, my husband and I talked a little more about the possibility. We don't have money to rent out a restaurant, or to have a catered event, so we thought we could tap into some of our coffee shop connections. Like maybe Margin in Albany. Those are words I said.
That night our pastor texted me to ask if he could talk about me and my book from the pulpit the next day. The sermon was about stories (the Bible as a whole story) and he wanted to talk about knowing the author of the story. Weird, but okay. He did more than I was bargaining for. He put a picture of the cover up and talked a little about the book and a lot about how much I love a quality espresso.
This year, our marriage verse is, "You are the God who works wonders." - Psalm 77:14. With that in mind, let's go back to church. After the service, our pastor introduced me to Gabe, the owner of the best coffee shop in Albany, Margin. He was excited to invite me to host a book release/signing party at Margin! I had intended on contacting Margin sometime this week, but God handed me the shop on a platter instead.
Margin is not just an amazing coffee shop. Their aim is to be part of the community by hosting book signings and live shows. On top of that, they serve incredible coffee.
As it turns out, Gabe spent two years in Turkey working with refugees, and obviously has a passion for the issue. He was excited to get behind my book, and I was humbled. More proof that this project is bigger than me. This project is straight from God's heart.
The details still need to be nailed down, but I wanted you to be the first to know about it! We're planning for a Saturday in early February. And, disregarding what I said earlier, I want EVERYONE to be there! I want to throw down the best and biggest party to bring awareness to an issue close to my heart. I hope you can join us! I'll keep you posted on details as we get closer!